We follow a detailed and proven recruiting process to deliver the best possible candidates to our clients.

Workforce Recruitment Services
Step 1 – The Paperwork:
- Finalize contract details and paperwork.
Step 2 – Recruiting Needs Assessment:
- Face to face meeting with HR and the hiring manager to discuss details of the role and interview process.
- Build a candidate profile as well establish any and all pre-screening interview questions or technical assignments.

Targeted Candidate Sourcing
Step 3 – Job Description:
- Prepare, confirm and post the job description to the Marler Search Group website and several job boards.
Step 4 – Referrals:
- Through the use of social media and word of mouth, the role will be distributed to our network of contacts to gather available candidates and referrals.
Step 5 – Sourcing:
- The Marler Search Group recruiting team will source qualified, targeted candidates from various sites, forums, associations, companies and other sources.
Step 6 – Qualifications:
- If the recruited candidate possesses the desired qualification and has expressed interest in the role and our client’s organization, we proceed to the candidate screening process.

Candidate Screening
Step 7 – Pre-Interview Screening:
- We conduct a screening interview with all recruited candidates to ensure they are qualified for the posted role.
- During the candidate screening process we can also include qualifying interview questions supplied by our clients to make sure that the qualifications and experience criteria are met.
Step 8 – We do the homework for you:
- Where possible we will perform informal reference checks on our recruited candidates through our referral network and other means available us.
Step 9 – Submitting Our Recruits:
- Once we are satisfied that the recruited candidate is qualified for the role we submit them to HR and the hiring manager.
Step 10 – Reference Checks:
- After a recruited candidate has passed our client’s interview process and has been short-listed or is nearing an offer, we then follow up on the recruited candidate’s formal references.
Step 11 – Our Final Report:
- Upon the completion of the reference check we will provide our client with a final report containing our recommendations. Note: During the reference process we strongly recommend that our clients perform at least one reference without our involvement. Experience has taught us that a potential employer will often receive more candid information that the search firm that was tasked with recruiting for the role.
Step 12 – The Offer:
- We will advise our clients throughout the offer process and assist where possible.
The Marler Search Group
Finding the perfect fit takes talent and expertise. Based in Ottawa, Ontario, the Marler Search Group has been recruiting, building, diversifying, and strengthening companies for more than fifteen years. We have spent time developing a broad network to fulfil your recruiting requirements—knowing that the difference between simply maintaining a business and building a successful and dynamic organization lies in results.
At The Marler Search Group we are committed to ensuring that our clients and candidates are completely satisfied. Let us know how we can help you.
(613) 271-3750
2005 Old Carp Road,
Ottawa, Ontario
K0A 1L0